Modern muslim boy names 2015
Modern muslim boy names 2015

modern muslim boy names 2015

Isiah: In biblical history, Isiah is one crucial prophet.

modern muslim boy names 2015

In Islamic history, Hassan is a very pious and righteous person.ġ5. Hassan: The Arabic word Hassan means a person who owns both a good look and personality. If you want your black baby boy to possess a calm and brave character, you can choose Finneas as his name.ġ4. Finneas: Finneas means a cold-headed courageous person. In ancient Roman, a man named Evander brought Greek religion.ġ3. Evander: Evander means a person with good quality. In Ancient Greek tradition, people used to address a fearless warrior as ‘DeAndre.’ġ2. A person who possesses all the good qualities within himself is a Darius.ġ1. Darius: In Persian etymology, Darius represents a righteous person. It is English originated and can give your child a spiritual strength in his forthcoming life.ġ0. Dajon: Dajon means Submission towards God or the Gift of God. This unusual black boy’s name is from Old French culture.ĩ. Curtiss: Curtiss is a humble or courteous one. Christopher: Originated from Greek name Christopher represents the person who bears Christ in his every behavior and deed.Ĩ. The word Beorht is considered as Bright, and Sige means victory in modern English.ħ.

modern muslim boy names 2015

Antonio: The word Antonio means ‘extremely laudable.’ It is a Roman name that has a connection with the Greek flower Anthos.Ħ. In Hebrew and Jewish culture, the name Amos has immense respect.ĥ. Amos: Amos was a Biblical prophet of the 8th century Before Christ. In Arab tradition, the person who believes in logic more than miracles is an Akil.Ĥ. Akil: Akil is an Arabic word that means intelligence. So, people who have a Latin connection can name their black baby boy as Adrian.ģ. Originated from the Latin word Adrianus, Adrian symbolizes the former river, Adria. Parents who want their baby boy to grow as brave and strong can choose this uncommon name.Ģ. It also symbolizes the people who have martyrs’ quality. In the Hebrew language, Aaron means enormous strength. Aaron is a Hebrew word that represents masculinity. The following titles are for those black parents who believe that these unique, meaningful names will influence their kids’ future and help them be extraordinary.ġ. And if the name symbolizes something great or courageous, that name motivates us, and the meaning creates an impact on our life. When we are the bearer of an uncommon name, our name becomes the ice breaker in every conversation. 25+ Unique Names For Black Boys:Ī person always admires a unique name. These are cute, unique, meaningful names, and you’ll rarely find the use of those names in other communities.Īs an appreciation towards black ethnocentrism, in this article, we included some black baby boy names and their meaning. Some focus on the French language some concentrate on Arabic, Muslim, Biblical or European words. Thus, the moment children are born in the black community they instantly search for a black baby name for their child. In the last two decades, this habit became a healthy practice to black ethnicity. As a consequence, they began to choose names for their children based on their tradition and lifestyle. In the early 70s, the black power movement influenced black people so much that they started to diversify themselves from other communities and focus on their own culture. Till the 1960s, the name tradition in America was quite similar among black and white. But, the reality is that a specific black name of an individual indicates a robust socioeconomic status in the black community. If you’re not familiar with the black culture, you might’ve found this article a piece of racism.

Modern muslim boy names 2015